I know. That's worthy of a big ol' awwwwwww.
Bug (bending over and looking at Munson's belly): Oh, look! A poop coming out!
Me: Oh, no, Buddy. That's not a poop. That's Munson's wee-wee.
Bug (sounding delighted): Oh! His ee-wee!
Me: Yes, Munson has a wee-wee because Munson is a boy.
Bug (condescending): No, Mommy, Munson is not a boy. He's a dog.
Guess the birds-and-the-bees chat can wait for a few more years.In the midst of all of this, a portion (okay, the majority) of my brain has been trying to process the idea that soon I'll be Mommy to kids. Did you catch that? There's an "s" on the end of that word. KidS.
I would be lying if I didn't say I am sooo excited about the upcoming arrival of our little girl in October. But I'd also be lying if I didn't say it scares the poop out of me. (Well, at least my potty language is in prime condition. Major mommy-is-funny points from our potty-training toddler for using the word poop in any context whatsoever).
While my brain is still processing the idea of two, my heart is really falling in love with this little girl. And, speaking of which, we have decided officially on a name. Mia Elizabeth.
For you etymologists out there, Mia means "mine" in Italian, and Elizabeth means "dedicated to God" in Hebrew. So, her name means that she's mine, but she's really God's. Which feels exactly right.
Nest image by mosswood.
The woods behind our house are
Looking for answers, I googled "ticks" and discovered that there are two types that could be invading our woods. Brown dog ticks and "paralysis ticks." Now that doesn't sound good. Bad news: these ticks we're finding ain't brown.
If anyone has ANY ideas for limiting ticks on your property, PLEASE SHARE! I'd love to turn Tick City into a ghost town. SOON.